SAIA A92.8-2012

SAIA A92.8-2012

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This Standard applies to the establishment of criteria for design, manufacture, remanufacture,rebuild/recondition, testing, inspection, installation, maintenance, use, training, and operation of Vehicle-Mounted Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Devices, primarily used to position personnel, to achieve thefollowing objectives:

(1) Prevention of personal injuries and accidents;

(2) Establishment of criteria for design, manufacture, remanufacture, installation, rebuild/recondition,testing, performance, inspection, training, maintenance, and operation;

(3) Establishment and understanding by designers, manufacturers, remanufacturers, installers, dealers,owners, users, operators, lessees, lessors and brokers of their respective responsibilities.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
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1 file , 2.2 MB