AASHTO T 300-11 (2016)

AASHTO T 300-11 (2016)

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The force ductility of an asphalt material is determined by measuring the tensile stress induced on a specimen when two ends of a briquet specimen of the material, are pulled apart at 5 cm/min. (2 in./min.) and at a specified temperature. Unless otherwise specified, the test shall be performed at a temperature of 4.0 +/-0.5°C (39.2 ± 1.0°F) and with a speed of 5 cm/min. (2 in./min.) ± 5.0 percent. The test is designed primarily for polymer-modified emulsions.

Product Details

Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 1.2 MB
Product Code(s):
T300-11-UL, T300-11-UL, T300-11-UL