Welded Joint Details for Structural Applications – Wall Chart
standard by American Welding Society, 2008
AWS D1.5M/D1.5:2010
Bridge Welding Code (Joint Publication with AASHTO)
standard by American Welding Society, 08/18/2010
AWS B2.1/B2.1M-BMG:2009-ADD1
Base Metal Grouping for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification, Second Printing
standard by American Welding Society, 04/01/2009
AWS A5.14/A5.14M:2018
Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Electrodes and Rods
standard by American Welding Society, 10/30/2017
AWS C5.7:2000 (R2006)
Recommended Practices for Electrogas Welding
standard by American Welding Society, 05/05/2000
Monitoring and Control of Welding and Joining Processes
Book by American Welding Society, 01/01/2001
AWS B2.3/B2.3M:2008
Specification for Soldering Procedure and Performance Qualification
standard by American Welding Society, 12/20/2007
AWS D14.8M:2009
Standard Methods for the Avoidance of Cold Cracks (Identical to ISO/TR 17844:2004)
standard by American Welding Society, 11/11/2008
AWS C3.6M/C3.6:2008
Specification for Furnace Brazing
standard by American Welding Society, 09/12/2007
AWS B5.16:2001
Specification for the Qualification of Welding Engineers
standard by American Welding Society, 01/01/2001