Standard 90.2-2018 — Energy-Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings (ANSI Approved)
standard by ASHRAE, 2018
ASHRAE 68-1997
Standard 68-1997 — Laboratory Method of Testing to Determine the Sound Power in a Duct (AMCA Standard 330-97)
standard by ASHRAE, 1997
ASHRAE 20-1997 (RA 2006)
Standard 20-1997 (RA 2006) — Method of Testing for Rating Remote Mechanical-Draft Air-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers (ANSI Approved)
standard by ASHRAE, 2006
ASHRAE IC 90.1-2007-30
Interpretation IC 90.1-2007-30 to ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007 Standard 90.1-2007 — Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings (ANSI Approved; IES Co-sponsored)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2016
ASHRAE 169-2013 Errata
Errata to Standard 169-2013 — Climate Data for Building Design Standards (ANSI Approved)
standard by ASHRAE, 2016
ASHRAE 62.2-2016 Addendum c
Addendum c to Standard 62.2-2016 — Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings (ANSI Approved)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2019
ASHRAE 52.2-2012
Standard 52.2-2012 — Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size (ANSI Approved)
standard by ASHRAE, 2012
ASHRAE 211-2018
Standard 211-2018 — Standard for Commercial Building Energy Audits (ANSI Approved/ACCA Co-sponsored)
standard by ASHRAE, 2018
ASHRAE 34-2001
Standard 34-2001 — Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants (ANSI Approved)
standard by ASHRAE, 2001
ASHRAE Spanish – Standard 90.2-2007
Spanish – Standard 90.2-2007 — Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings (ANSI/ASHRAE Approved)
standard by ASHRAE, 2010