Standard 17-2015 — Method of Testing Capacity of Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves (ANSI Approved)
standard by ASHRAE, 2015
ASHRAE IC 62.1-2010-2
Interpretation IC 62.1-2010-2 of Standard 62.1-2010 — Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (ANSI Approved)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2011
ASHRAE 62.2-2016 Addendum e
Addendum e to Standard 62.2-2016 — Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings (ANSI Approved)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2018
ASHRAE 15-2016 Addendum d
Addendum d to Standard 15-2016 (packaged w/ Standard 34-2016) — Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems and Designation and Classification of Refrigerants (ANSI Approved)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2018
ASHRAE 15-2007 and 34-2007 SET
Standard 15-2007 (packaged w/ Standard 34-2007) — Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems (ANSI Approved) and Standard 34-2007 — Designation and Classification of Refrigerants
standard by ASHRAE, 2007
ASHRAE IC 90.1-2010-26 (Revised)
Interpretation IC 90.1-2010-26 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-rise Residential Buildings
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2016
ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Errata (SI) (May 14, 2015)
Errata Sheet for the First Printing of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 (SI Edition)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2015
ASHRAE 34-2007 Addenda a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h
Addenda a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h to Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2009
ASHRAE 189.1-2009 Addenda a and b
Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings (ANSI Approved; USGBC and IES Co-sponsored), Addenda a and b
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2010
ASHRAE 34-2004 Addendum h
Addendum h to Standard 34-2004 — Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants (ANSI Approved)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2006