Category: ASA


ASA S1.4-2014/Part 1 / IEC 61672-1:2013 (R2019)

American National Standard for Electroacoustics – Sound Level Meters – Part 1: Specifications (a nationally adopted international standard). (Revision of ANSI S1.4-1983 (R2006), ANSI S1.4a-1985 (R2006) and ANSI S1.43-1997 (R2007))
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 07/21/2014

ASA S3.41-2015

American National Standard Audible Emergency Evacuation Signal (E2) and Evacuation Signals with Relocation Instructions (ESRI)
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 07/14/2015