American National Standard Electroacoustics – Simulators of human head and ear – Part 8: Acoustic coupler for high-frequency measurements of hearing aids and earphones coupled to the ear by means of ear inserts
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 04/10/2023
ASA S1.13-2020
American National Standard for Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels in Air
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 07/01/2020
ASA S12.9-2021/Part 4
American National Standard Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of Environmental Sound – Part 4: Noise Assessment and Prediction of Long-Term Community Response
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021
ASA S2.75-2021/Part 3
Shaft alignment methodology, Part 3: alignment of vertically oriented rotating machinery
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 11/04/2021
ASA S12.55-2012/Amd.1-2021/ISO 3745:2012/Amd 1:2017
Amendment 1 to American National Standard Acoustics – Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure – Precision methods for anechoic and hemi-anechoic rooms
Amendment by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 09/01/2021
ASA S1.15-2021/Part 8/ IEC 61094-8:2012
American National Standard for Measurement Microphones, Part 8: Methods for determining the free-field sensitivity of working standard microphones by comparison
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 06/28/2021
ASA S3.35-2021
Method of Measurement of Performance Characteristics of Hearing Aids Under Simulated Real-Ear Working Conditions
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 11/08/2021
ASA S12.79-2021/ISO 26101-2021
American National Standard for Acoustics – Test methods for the qualification of freefield environments
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 10/25/2021
ASA S1.15-2021/Part 6/ IEC 61094-6:2004
American National Standard for Measurement Microphones, Part 6: Electrostatic actuators for determination of frequency response
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 06/28/2021
ASA S1.15-2021/Part 5/ IEC 61094-5:2016
American National Standard for Measurement Microphones, Part 5: Methods for pressure calibration of working standard microphones by comparison
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 09/28/2021