American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts – Ballasts for High-Intensity-Discharge and Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps
standard by American National Standards Institute, 05/18/2017
ANSI Z535.3-2007
Criteria for Safety Symbols
standard by American National Standards Institute, 11/05/2007
ANSI C78.1432-1997 (S2018)
American National Standard for Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps with GZ9.5 Two-Pin, Prefocus Bases and 36.5 mm Nominal Light Center Length
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1997
ANSI C136.10-2006
American National Standard for Roadway Lighting Equipment-Locking-Type Photocontrol Devices and Mating Receptacle Physical and Electrical Interchangeability and Testing
standard by American National Standards Institute, 04/27/2006
ANSI C29.6-1996 (R2002, R2012)
American National Standard for Wet Process Porcelain Insulators – High-Voltage Pin Type
standard by American National Standards Institute, 07/01/1996
ANSI C78.1408-2004 (R2008, R2015)
American National Standard for Electric Lamps – CBA Projection Lamp
standard by American National Standards Institute, 07/24/2015
ANSI Z80.12-2007 (R2017)
Ophthalmics – Multifocal Intraocular Lenses
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2007
ANSI C18.2M Part 2-2014
American National Standard for Portable Rechargeable Cells and Batteries-Safety Standard
standard by American National Standards Institute, 06/20/2014
ANSI Z80.10-2003
Opthalmics Instruments – Tonometers
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/2003
ANSI C84.1-2016
American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment – Voltage Ratings (60 Hz)
standard by American National Standards Institute, 10/28/2016