Surveys of Terrestrial Ecology Needed to License Thermal Power Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1982
ANS 16.1-2019
Measurement of the Leachability of Solidified Low-Level Radioactive Wastes by a Short-Term Test Procedure
standard by American Nuclear Society, 02/22/2019
ANS 8.19-1996
Administrative Practice for Nuclear Criticality Safety
standard by American Nuclear Society, 04/17/1996
ANS 3.1-2014
Selection, Qualification and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 11/20/2014
ANS 55.1-1979
Solid Radioactive Waste Processing System for Light-Water-Cooled Reactor Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 03/26/1979
ANS 8.22-1997 (R2016)
Nuclear Criticality Safety Based on Limiting and Controlling Moderators
standard by American Nuclear Society, 10/31/1997
ANS 15.17-1981(R2000)
Fire Protection Program Criteria for Research Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1981
ANS 51.10-1991 (R2018)
Auxiliary Feedwater System for Pressurized Water Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 05/10/1991
ANS 57.7-1988 (R1997)
Design Criteria for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (Water Pool Type)
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1988
ANS 8.24-2007 (R2012) (W2017)
Validation of Neutron Transport Methods for Nuclear Criticality Safety Calculations
standard by American Nuclear Society, 03/16/2007