Safety Guide for the Performance of Critical Experiments
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1988
ANS 19.10-2009 (R2016)
Methods for Determining Neutron Fluence in BWR and PWR Pressure Vessel and Reactor Internals
standard by American Nuclear Society, 02/24/2009
ANS 2.2-2016
Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 10/01/2016
ANS 2.19-1981 (R1990)
Guidelines for Establishing Site-Related Parameters for Site Selection and Design of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1981
ANS 1-2000 (R2019)
Conduct of Critical Experiments
standard by American Nuclear Society, 03/23/2000
ANS 15.16-2008 (W2015)
Emergency Planning for Research Reators
standard by American Nuclear Society, 09/03/2008
ANS 3.8.4-1995
Criteria for Maintaining Radiological Emergency Response Capability
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1995
ANS 19.11-2017
Calculation and Measurement of the Moderator Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity for Water Moderated Power Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 04/11/2017
ANS 57.5-1996 (R2006)
Light Water Reactors Fuel Assembly Mechanical Design and Evaluation
standard by American Nuclear Society, 02/08/1996
ANS 1-1987(R1992)
Safety Guide for the Performance of Critical Experiments
standard by American Nuclear Society,